Overkill Barcode: 020286197225

Feel The Fire

Product Type: CD


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Record Label: Steamhammer Europe

Release Date: 03/08/2005

Overkill: Bobby "Blitz" Ellsworth (vocals); Bobby Gustafson (guitar); D.D. Verni (bass); "Rat" Skates (drums).
Recorded at Pyramid Studios, New York, New York.
Personnel: Bobby "Blitz" Ellsworth (vocals); Adam Tranquilli, Bobby Gustafson (guitar); Bob Xzuminsky, Rat Skates (drums).
Recording information: Pyramid Studios, NY.
Photographers: Jerry Lacay; Willard Huyler; Kevin Hadapp; Mark Callisto.
Arranger: Overkill.
Though Overkill never got the credit of fellow New York thrash pioneers Anthrax or Bay Area titans like Metallica, they were instrumental in the formation of the venerable genre. Their debut album, FEEL THE FIRE, remains a powerful shot of speed-addicted heaviness as influenced by the nascent hardcore movement as it was by classic metal. Singer Bobby "Blitz" Ellsworth yowls like a gutter rat Bruce Dickinson, and the band creates a clattering momentum with riffs tearing jagged chunks. The mission-statement title track is as wickedly evil sounding as Dio-era Sabbath, and songs like "Rotten to the Core" are textbook thrash.