Death Cab For Cutie Barcode: 655173100523


Product Type: CD


Suggested List Price: $ 11.99

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Record Label: Barsuk

Release Date: 08/18/1998

Death Cab For Cutie: Bejamin Gibbard (vocals, guitar, piano); Christopher Walla (guitar, electric piano, organ); Nicholas Hammer (bass); Nathan Good (drums).
Additional personnel: Abi Hall (vocals); Erika Jacobs (cello).
Recording information: Hall of Justice.
SOMETHING ABOUT AIRPLANES is a great debut disc from a relatively obscure indie band on tiny Elsinor Records, a label that primarily releases cassettes. Death Cab has a unique melodic gift for guitar based pop, like a less indulgent Built To Spill or a kinder, gentler Superchunk. In a twist on the indie rock blueprint, the Cabbies care enough about their thoughtful and poetic lyrics to actually print them out. They also enliven the standard two guitars, bass, and drums format with touches of toy piano, cello, and keyboards. Death Cab is not about to sonically alter the world, but the band's terrific performance and great songwriting sets it apart from the pack.